1.I got to the theatre just before the end of ______.
A. the act two B. act two C. act second D. the act second
2.The United States of America has a population of over ______.
A. two hundred million B. two hundred millions
C. two hundreds million D. two hundred millions people
3.It is reported that ______ people have entered for the competition.
A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. several hundreds
4.It is reported that ______ people in this area were saved in the flood.
A. hundreds of B. hundred C. some hundreds D. hundred of
5.Mary is a ______ girl.
A.seven years old B. seven-years-old C. seven-year-old D. seven-year old
6.The homework for the next period is to wrihe got the chance to go abroad to study.
A. forty B. forty's C. forty's years old D. forties
11.The world population will pass six billion by the end of twenty century.
12.About ______ of the energy is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.
A. nine-ten B. nine-tenth C. nine-tenths D. ninth-ten
13.Three times seven is twenty-one.
14.David helps his mother with her housework every Saturday for about ______.
A. one half hours B. a half an hour C. an hour half D. one a half hours
15. We can go there on foot. It is only ______ walk.
A. twenty minute B. twenty minutes C. a twenty-minute D. twenty minutes of
1. B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.C: two-hundred-word 7.C 9.A 10.D 11.D: the twentieth 12.C 14.D 15.C
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